Press Release
June 17, 2013

Goodwin's Douglas Kline Analyzes Supreme Court Gene Decision on NECN Morning Show


Goodwin Procter partner Douglas Kline recently spoke with NECN’s The Morning Show about the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that native, human DNA cannot be patented and what that means for companies and research organizations going forward. Click here to watch his studio interview.

In the interview, Kline discussed patentability concerns that companies have when spending large amounts of money on research, noting the Court must “balance the exclusive rights we give people in order to encourage them to invest against the free flow of information.”

Kline also commented that in view of the ruling companies should avoid pursuing patents on native DNA. Instead, they should focus on patenting new applications of knowledge about genes and therapeutic methods.

Kline is the chair of Goodwin Procter’s Intellectual Property Practice. He represents clients involved in intellectual property litigation and other types of disputes, with a particular emphasis on patent infringement cases.