Whether as a result of unexpected death, significant and life threatening health issues, or other unfortunate circumstances affecting their parents, there are children and those ready to step-up to serve as their guardians in need of legal help.
To help these young people and their families, Goodwin Procter attorneys recently teamed up with attorneys from Bank of America and Public Counsel – one of the leading providers of pro bono services to persons in need in Southern California – to provide a free guardianship clinic in Goodwin’s Los Angeles office.
The office’s conference rooms were transformed into a focused relief center to help a host of families and children in need of assistance with their guardianship petitions.
Bank of America’s attorney volunteers included head of pro bono David Brooks, as well as Aaron Cheng, Halil Hasic, Peter Silver, Nick Miller and Mary Fido. Goodwin’s attorney volunteers included national pro bono committee members Brooks Brown, as well as Steve Ellis, Jim McGarry, and Laura Stoll.
“Speaking for the Bank volunteers, beyond venturing from our respective comfort zones and learning about an entirely new area of law, I know each of us walked away from the evening satisfied that we had made a difference for a family in need,” David Brooks, Associate General Counsel & Senior Vice President, said about the event. “And a special thank you to our Goodwin hosts, for having carefully considered every last detail.”
Brooks Brown added, “Goodwin is honored to be able to support Public Counsel and partner with Bank of America on such a worthwhile event and to make a difference for families in the communities where we live and work.”
Public Counsel identified the clients for the clinic and provided the training for Goodwin’s and Bank of America’s attorneys.
“From technology to the kids’ room, Goodwin created a seamless and well-executed clinic, in an environment where the families, and especially the children, could feel comfortable,” David Daniels, Public Counsel’s pro bono director, said about the event.
“By combining forces, Bank of America’s legal team and Goodwin Procter’s staff of dedicated attorneys and legal professionals forever changed the stories of the youth who need us most,” Daniels added. “We all heard painful accounts last night, but Bank of America and Goodwin Procter were there to answer the call – to respond to the clients’ anxieties and carry them forward to a safer and better life.”