Press Release
August 17, 2018

David Hobbie Serves as Co-Chair of ILTACON 2018


David Hobbie, Goodwin’s Director of Knowledge Management for Litigation, will co-chair the 41st Annual ILTA Educational Conference on August 19-23, 2018 in National Harbor, MD. This four-day event, the largest legal technology gathering in the world, features more than 100 educational content sessions inspired by and developed by peers, and opportunities to connect with around 1800 peers and thousands of business partners as well. Hobbie and his co-chair Christopher Hunt, Director of Technology and Operations at Sugarman, Rogers, Barshak & Cohen, P.C., have led 40 volunteers that have worked collaboratively with peers, business partners and experts to ensure each session will provide value to a variety of professional roles. Special series of sessions at ILTACON 2018 address artificial intelligence, blockchain, data analytics, innovation, moving to the cloud, Office 365, and security.  In addition, new audience roadmaps for seven key audiences will enable peer-to-peer information sharing and networking. 

The International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) serves the professional needs of more than 24,000 U.S. and international legal technology professionals and their organizations. Their core values—respect, commitment to members, sharing of information and promoting lifelong learning—drive all they do to support the peer-driven organization that is ILTA. Since its founding in 1980, the association’s focus is to achieve results for their membership and the legal technology profession at large. Much of the value they provide as an association occurs through the coordinated efforts with their global volunteer membership teams.