Speaking Engagements

ABA Housing Finance Subcommittee - Litigation Review

August 14, 2013
Call-in program


On August 14, 2013, the Housing Finance Subcommittee of the Consumer Financial Services Committee's monthly call-in program will be presented by Goodwin Procter's Brooks BrownWilliam Jay and Matthew Sheldon. They will provide an update on housing finance litigation. The program includes a general overview of some of the most important cases decided involving consumer financial services litigation in the past year. The United States Supreme Court has issued several opinions of interest to financial services lawyers and has accepted review of a case involving the appointment of the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The panel will also discuss emerging trends in consumer financial services litigation, with special emphasis on the Supreme Court’s most recent term, including cases that the Court has decided to hear next year. The panel will also review key federal appellate decisions and relevant rulings from the state courts. Among the topics discussed will be the CFPB, arbitration, government enforcement actions, RESPA, fair lending and loan servicing issues. For more information, please visit http://apps.americanbar.org/dch/comadd.cfm?com=CL230000&pg=2.
