
Internal Investigations + Compliance Hot Topics in Higher Education

October 15, 2020 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Higher education institutions today must navigate an ever-increasing array of regulatory burdens and government enforcement realities. The decentralized structure of many universities also makes compliance planning, as well as internal investigations into alleged breakdowns, particularly challenging. The panelists will discuss key areas of focus for higher education internal investigations, including allegations of faculty and executive conflicts of interest, research misconduct, Title IX violations, undue foreign influence, and export and trade sanctions matters. They also will explore unique aspects of higher education, the various constituencies that may have an interest in the outcome, and how these factors impact the planning and completion of internal investigations.

Jennifer Chunias, Partner, Goodwin
Bradley Abruzzi, University Attorney, Office of the General Counsel, Harvard University
Ellen Berkman, University Attorney, Office of the General Counsel, Harvard University
Keri Godin, Senior Director, Office of Research Integrity, Brown University
