Goodwin is proud to sponsor MBA's 2021 Regulatory Compliance Conference, which brings together inside and outside counsel, compliance officers, company executives, government relations professionals, policy directors, and quality assurance professionals to discuss current topics impacting the mortgage industry's regulatory environment. At this year's conference, Tom Hefferon will be speaking during the Ongoing Developments Track on the topic of Major Litigation Developments, and Sabrina Rose-Smith will be speaking during the Litigation Forum Track on the topic of Servicing. Anthony Alexis is speaking at MBA's 2021 Regulatory Compliance Conference during the Opening General Session: Washington Update.
- /en/people/s/sheldon-matthew
Matthew S. Sheldon
PartnerCo-Chair of Banking and Consumer Financial Services - /en/people/s/schoenthal-allison
Allison Schoenthal
PartnerCo-Chair of Banking and Consumer Financial Services - /en/people/r/rose_smith-sabrina
Sabrina M. Rose-Smith
Partner - /en/people/h/hefferon-thomas
Thomas M. Hefferon
Partner - /en/people/a/alexis-anthony
Anthony Alexis
Retired Partner