Goodwin has hired a leveraged finance specialist for its Private Equity practice in Munich in a bid to better advise European and U.S. firms looking to fund their investments in mid-cap companies. Winfried Carli joined on Aug. 25 and has been recruited to strengthen the firm's capabilities representing private equity firms that typically buy companies with a market capitalization roughly between €100 million and €500 million. "I would say in general that I work for any kind of sponsor that wants to have a transaction led out of Germany," Carli told Law360 on Friday. "And I'm also happy to work for sponsors and with colleagues where transactions are led out of London or the U.S." Jan Schinköth, chair of the Munich office, told Law360 on Friday that Carli's arrival is "perfect timing." The firm is building "a fantastic private equity platform in Germany" to go with its expansion elsewhere in Europe, Schinköth said.