Has the election stressed you out? Comic Relief is on the way! After our groundbreaking sequel “Law and the Movies,” we have created "Episode 3: Elections in Movies, Film and Video. "In this fun and energetic CLE program, we will see excerpts from popular movies, TV shows and other online content. We give these videos real life meaning by providing legal context related to numerous election laws. In fact, one of our excerpts is from an election-related movie that went to the Supreme Court! We plan to discuss such exciting topics as election recounts, Gerrymandering, election interference, and other weighty topics. But here, our goal is to educate and laugh a bit along the way. Please join Neel Chatterjee for this fun and engaging program.
* Please note that our webinar and event recordings are for informational purposes only; CLE credit is only available for our guests attending live webinars and other events.
ICYMI: If you missed or just want to binge previous installments of our Entertainment and the Law Series, visit our website.
- /en/people/c/chatterjee-neel
Neel Chatterjee