Black Women in Asset Management is hosting its second Annual Conference inspiring attendees to advance their careers in asset management through cultivating strong relationships with diverse industry peers. The conference will bring together investment firms, allocators and surrounding industry, providing a platform for professionals of all levels to build a network within multiple asset classes, including public equities, fixed income, and alternatives.
Danielle Reyes will speak on the panel titled “Top Trends Shaping the Investment Industry” and Kirkie Maswoswe will moderate the panel "The Power Of Black Women Venture Capitalists".
- /en/people/r/reyes-danielle
Danielle Reyes
Partner - /en/people/w/white-tsimikalis-ariel
Ariel White-Tsimikalis
Partner - /en/people/m/maswoswe-kirkie
R. Kirkie Maswoswe
Partner - /en/people/c/cox-debasha
Debasha Cox