For the first time in decades, the Supreme Court will consider patent law’s “enablement” requirement, in Amgen Inc. v. Sanofi. That requirement is often a key point in litigation when a patent claims a class of novel compounds or antibodies. In the oral argument on March 27, the Supreme Court will examine the Federal Circuit’s holding that patentees must disclose enough information to “enable” people of ordinary skill in the relevant art to “reach the full scope” of the claimed invention. In this day-after webinar, litigators from Goodwin’s Supreme Court and IP Litigation practices will recap the argument and explain what it could mean for the future of the enablement requirement.
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- /en/people/d/daughtrey-natasha
Natasha E. Daughtrey
Partner - /en/people/s/santos-jaime
Jaime A. Santos
PartnerCo-Chair, Appellate & Supreme Court Litigation