In the Press
January 20, 2023

Top 5 IP Considerations for Medtech Companies Transitioning To Data-enabled Product Solutions (MedCity News)

Medtech companies are evolving rapidly as more and more of them develop products that collect and leverage substantial patient and provider data. Companies that once only developed hardware-based solutions for medical problems are now evolving into data platform companies, offering a more comprehensive glimpse into the habits and health of their patients and customers. Many of these solutions leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning, for which intellectual property tends to be more challenging to protect through traditional approaches. Investor and strategic partner mindsets have shifted toward optimal ways to protect their IP requirements, especially given evolving laws and social concerns. Having had decades of experience working with medtech companies, partners Kristin Havranek, Martin Gomez, Matt Wetzel, and Steven Tjoe have identified the top 5 IP considerations they should be aware of in their product development lifecycle in MedCity News.